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Gaining the ITIL Certification

By Guest Author Juan H.

The vast array of IT technology available to businesses today allows us to adopt incredibly wide ranging and flexible capabilities, but they are significantly complex and are growing in intricacy every day. The huge reach of the Internet provides access to many new opportunities, but also presents a new set of challenges. It's important for an IT professional to be able to face these challenges, and to meet or exceed the expectations of their employers and clients.

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The best way to remain efficient and effective in IT management is to adhere to a consistent set of repeatable processes. By conforming to a widely accepted set of best practices, the IT professional doesn't have to reinvent the wheel when faced with new challenges. It's much more efficient and cost effective to follow a best practice framework, and the most important and widely accepted of these is the Information Technology Infrastructure library, or the ITIL.

Gaining ITIL Certification is an incredibly valuable way to boost your IT career. When you can prove to employers that you are well versed in the important practices and concepts contained in the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, you can demand higher salaries and more important positions in prestigious companies.

The ITIL was originally conceived in the 1980s. It started off as a collection of books, covering best practice in IT service management. Originally created by an agency of the British Government, the ITIL was quickly accepted in the industry as Holy Scripture that must be adhered to both in business and the public sector for efficient IT management.

The ITIL quickly grew more complex as technology grew, and today the best way to gain ITIL certification is to work through an ITIL Elearning course. An ITIL training course that uses ITIL Elearning isn't the only way to gain ITIL certification, but it's certainly the easiest and the quickest.

In 2001, the ITIL was refined into "sets" of common practices. All of the best practice guidelines from the original ITIL were consolidated into these sets, each focusing on a different aspect of IT management. To gain ITIL certification, full understanding of each set must be demonstrated, although the main focus is on the Service Support and Service Delivery sets, which are the most widely used in business applications.

Good ITIL training courses will not only teach you enough about each of the sets to pass an ITIL examination, but will also provide an in depth focus of the most practical aspects of the ITIL. This means that unlike many other IT certifications, an ITIL certification isn't just a piece of paper to put on your resume', it's an incredibly practical business toolkit which can really boost your career and make you much more efficient in the workplace.

That's not to say that passing an ITIL examination won't be enough to impress a potential employer. IT professionals with an ITIL certification are highly sought after because of the huge reputation ITIL enjoys as a globally recognized framework for IT management. But as well as providing a hiring incentive to employers, an ITIL Elearning training course is a great way to gain a solid knowledge of IT service management.